10-Day Detoxification Program

South Carolina Medical Detox Program

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10-Day Detoxification: What is the Foundations for Recovery Program? 

Waypoint offers a 10-day Detoxification Program called Foundations for Recovery. Based on the idea that detox is not considered treatment, this program is designed to provide patients who choose to come to Waypoint only for detox a basic “foundation” to begin their recovery journey. The program is designed to allow patients to develop a basic understanding of the disease of addiction, goals for treatment, introduction to the 12 steps, and start working on the skills they will need in the next phase of treatment and after discharge.

What are the Key Features of the 10-Day Detoxification, Foundations for Recovery Program? 

Comprehensive Medical Supervision

Our detoxification program provides 24/7 medical care to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure the safety and comfort of our clients. Medical professionals are on hand to administer medications that can ease withdrawal symptoms and address any complications that may arise.

Personalized Detox Plans

Each client receives a personalized detoxification plan tailored to their specific needs. This includes an initial medical assessment to determine the appropriate course of treatment and ongoing evaluations to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Therapeutic Support

In addition to medical care, clients have access to therapeutic support. This includes individual counseling sessions, group therapy, and educational workshops designed to help clients understand the detoxification process and prepare for the next steps in their recovery journey.

Holistic Approaches

We incorporate holistic therapies to support overall well-being during detox. These may include nutritional counseling, physical fitness activities, and mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation. These approaches help clients manage stress and promote a balanced recovery.

What are the Benefits of a 10-Day Detoxification Program 

Safe and Structured Environment

Detoxification in a structured environment significantly reduces the risk of relapse and ensures that clients receive the necessary support during a critical phase of recovery. The structured setting helps clients focus on their health and prepares them for the next phase of treatment.

Physical and Mental Stabilization

Detoxification helps clients achieve physical and mental stabilization, which is essential for engaging effectively in further treatment. By addressing the immediate physical effects of withdrawal, clients can begin to regain their strength and mental clarity.

Preparation for Ongoing Treatment

Completing a detox program prepares clients for ongoing treatment by providing a solid foundation for recovery. Detoxification is often the first step in a comprehensive treatment plan that includes residential or outpatient treatment, counseling, and aftercare support.

What to Expect During Detox

Since most patients are not always feeling their best while detoxing, the program schedule is designed to be less intensive in terms of material covered. Program format will be through groups, reflection and time to identify their individual goals and what they want to accomplish once they actually begin treatment.

Initial Assessment

At the time of admission, each patient will be assigned a primary counselor who will begin working with them to complete assessments, provide one weekly individual counseling session, and updates to referral sources and families.

Withdrawal Management

Our medical team provides medications and interventions to manage withdrawal symptoms effectively. Clients are closely monitored to ensure their safety and comfort throughout the detox process.

Counseling and Support

Throughout the 10-day program, clients participate in individual and group counseling sessions. These sessions provide emotional support, help clients process their experiences, and prepare them for ongoing treatment.

In addition to a primary counselor, Foundations for Recovery is facilitated by a “Recovery Coach” who also has clinical training and is familiar with the recovery process.

Aftercare Planning

As clients approach the end of the detox program, our team works with them to develop a comprehensive aftercare plan. This plan may include recommendations for residential treatment, outpatient programs, or other forms of ongoing support.

The average length of stay for detox is up to 10 days. Even though a patient may be finished with the detox medication protocols, they still experience withdrawals and cravings and usually benefit from gaining basic addictions disease education.

Detoxification only is primarily a way to safely stop the use of alcohol or drugs under medical supervision. Foundations for Recovery provides more than just a basic detox for individuals who are not willing to commit to longer term treatment through the Waypoint short-term program or full treatment options.

Start Your Recovery Journey with Waypoint Recovery

Waypoint Recovery Center’s 10-Day Detoxification Program is a critical first step for individuals seeking to overcome substance dependence. With a focus on medical supervision, personalized care, and holistic support, our program provides the necessary foundation for long-term recovery. By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of detoxification, we help clients prepare for a successful transition to ongoing treatment and a life free from addiction. For more information or to start your recovery journey, visit the Waypoint Recovery Center website.


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For more information about Waypoint Recovery Center’s substance use disorder treatment services, please contact us anytime at (854) 214-2100.